About Us



Establishing a global market where small and medium-sized businesses will be able to sell and change hands easily, quickly and professionally.


Bridging the gap between companies for sale and the potential buyers / investors, providing them with the right environment for these two key factors to be able to communicate both online and face-to-face, with transparency and confidentiality in a highly professional, comfortable and modern setting for most efficient achievement of targets.

Who we are

We are a group of young people with experience in business, who aspire to change for the better the current state of the small and medium business market. Engaged in the field, we have observed for years that when small and medium-sized business owners wanted to divest their businesses, they faced incredible difficulties in finding potential buyers / investors, resulting in companies with potential and profitability rolling down the shutters and closing, while the owners themselves lost assets and employees their jobs.

And this was all happening, not because there were no potential buyers, but simply because there was no one platform for either sellers or buyers to network, where each side could meet and match their assets to the most suitable opportunity. Natural or legal persons who came to the business arena to invest huge sums in similar ideas and projects could potentially acquire an already existing business at a very attractive price, which with the appropriate interventions and improvements would “be suited to their measure”, thus saving money, time, energy and finally ensuring better returns on their investment.


This situation prompted us to envision and start implementing a “Market”: a global meeting place for small and medium-sized businesses, where businesses for sale would be able to easily find and meet new owners. Thus, at any time, simply, easily and professionally, any business owner will be able to divest, communicate and agree with a new investor or business partner, who will immediately take on “running” it from the very next hour.

And we will not stop envisioning until we fully achieve it our promise and vision together!

Today we share with you our first step, with many more to come!…